rurban 6 hours ago | prev |

A classic, thanks! The first commenter on lwn got it at best.

> It was entirely predictable that the CoC system would be abused by managerial types to purge anyone who had the temerity to keep disagreeing with them, but it’s interesting to see that quote from Morehouse outright admitting that the process is a purely vibes based one that simply sanctions any behaviour that causes trouble for the management clique. Hopefully this causes enough of a backlash that accountability and saner heads prevail.

zahlman 2 minutes ago | root | parent | next |

> it’s interesting to see that quote from Morehouse outright admitting that the process is a purely vibes based one that simply sanctions any behaviour that causes trouble for the management clique

I feel compelled to point out (cross-referencing myself: that "the management clique" is paid out of the surprisingly limited PSF funds (well, not the Steering Council, but the PSF staff), while developers in general are not (and one of the three paid core devs is also the forum moderator who announced the bans for myself and Dr. David Mertz).

DemocracyFTW2 6 hours ago | root | parent | prev |

That, and from the second post onward the discussion goes south and segues into whether some British speakers get the say on what "to sanction" means...